About our Evan Designs Model Builder ® Template FilesEvan Designs Model Builder ® is a software program that allows you to customize and create your own cardstock models in a varioety of scales. We are not affiliated with Evan Designs Model Builder ®, but we do enjoy cardstock construction. We have created a series of "wmf" files that import in to Model Builder and we would like to share them with our customers.
These files import into the Model Builder program to allow you to easily create a customized cardstock version of our plans. The MB template files are not factored into the price of our plans, but are available as a free gift to our customers and licensed users of Evan's Designs Model Builder software. We have tested on Model Builder version 1.7.34 and some previous versions, but no warranty is implied and we cannot guarantee that these files will work on future versions of the program.. We also reserve the right to discontinue or revoke this free offer without prior notice. If you are still interested in trying out these free template files after you purchase our corresponding plan package CLICK HERE for more information and a tutorial on cardstock modeling with Model Builder ® |
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